Dad and I when out for breakfast yesterday at
IHOP and as
usual, Dad would not let me pay. So I looked around the
restaurant and decided that I would pay for
some one's breakfast. So I looked for my
victim. Ahhhh, there she is, woman eating all by herself. I overheard her tell another patron that she is heading down to Ocean City for a couple days of R&R, so I figured what a nice way to start her vacation, a free breakfast. Went to the
cashier and told her that I wanted to pay for that lady's breakfast and did so. When the cashier asked me my name, I gave it to her and told her that the woman does not know me. You had to see the look on the cashier' face. She was so surprised. This was a "pay it forward" moment, that I think I will try to do again. In keeping with the our blog I think I will keep in the food category.
Who knows maybe you will be my next victim.